International and Country-Specific Bodies in the Natural Diamond Industry

Learn about the diamond industry bodies that many businesses in the diamond jewelry industry are members of or associated with.

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Many businesses within the diamond jewelry industry will be members of, or associated with, one or more of the leading diamond industry bodies listed below. Visit their websites to find out more about what they do to ensure the integrity of the diamond pipeline.  

International Organizations 

CIBJO – The World Jewellery Confederation 

International and Country-Specific Bodies in the Natural Diamond Industry

CIBJO is the oldest international organization in the jewelry sector, having been established in 1926. Its membership is made up largely of national jewelry trade organizations from more than 40 countries around the world. Many international jewelry sector’s private corporations and service providers are also affiliated to CIBJO through commercial membership. CIBJO’s purpose is to encourage harmonization of standards in the jewelry trade and to promote international cooperation in the jewelry industry for the protection of consumer confidence. In particular, CIBJO developed its Blue Book system, contains standards in such areas as the grading, methodology and nomenclature of diamonds, colored gemstones, pearls and other organic materials.

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World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB)

International and Country-Specific Bodies in the Natural Diamond Industry

The object of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses is to protect the interests of its 30 affiliated diamond bourses and their individual members, and to further the amicable settlement or arbitration of differences and disputes between the individual members of the affiliated bourses and between the affiliated bourses. In furtherance of this object, it is the aim of the world federation to participate in the promotion of world trade and to encourage the establishment of bourses, with the view of eventual affiliation of all centers where diamonds are actively traded.

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World Diamond Council (WDC)

International and Country-Specific Bodies in the Natural Diamond Industry

The primary mission of the World Diamond Council (WDC) is to represent the diamond and jewelry industry in the development and implementation of regulatory and voluntary systems that control the trade in diamonds embargoed by the United Nations, or are otherwise covered by the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS). It thus supports efforts to prevent the trade in “conflict diamonds.”

Its membership includes businesses and representative organizations from around the globe, along the entire diamond value chain, from rough diamond producers to retail jewelers.

WDC is the diamond industry’s representative in the tripartite coalition of the Kimberley Process (KP), which also includes representatives of governments and civil society. The KP is responsible for the governance of the KPCS, by which member governments implement safeguards on shipments of rough diamonds, and only those certified as “conflict free” can be traded in the respective markets.

To support the efficacy of the KPCS, supporting industry alignment and responsibility, and preserving the integrity of the value chain, WDC established the System of Warranties (SoW). It extends the effectiveness of the KP beyond the export and import of rough diamonds, and promotes human rights, fair labor practices, AML and anti-corruption.

WDC assists the KP with technical, financial and other support, and serves as the central point for informing and educating the industry about systems that prevent the trade in conflict diamonds.

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Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC)

International and Country-Specific Bodies in the Natural Diamond Industry

The Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) is the world’s leading standard setting organization for the jewelry and watch industry. The membership organization brings together companies of different shapes and sizes, across the global jewelry supply chain from mine to retail.

All members are required to follow and become certified against the RJC’s industry-wide Code of Practices standard, spanning the full jewelry supply chain from mine to retail. The Code of Practices is the tool used to assess the management and business practices of members, focusing on business ethics, responsible supply chains, human rights, due diligence, labor rights, working conditions, health, safety and environmental management.  The robust certification process is independently audited by third-party auditors and is ISEAL accredited, ensuring RJC members uphold the highest standards. By adhering to the RJC Code of Practices, certified companies respect a range of principles and standards, including: ILO Labour Standards, OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Minerals & Metals, UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights, UN Global Compact, and contribute towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda. The RJC stands for, and stands up for integrity: through supply chains, in their work with stakeholders, and of their membership. Through their standards and partnerships, the RJC is helping to transform the world’s jewelry supply chains to be more responsible and sustainable.

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International Diamond Manufacturers Association (IDMA)

International and Country-Specific Bodies in the Natural Diamond Industry

The International Diamond Manufacturers Association (IDMA) has 16 members who are national associations representing diamond manufacturing and export businesses. These include, for example, the Syndicate of the Belgian Diamond Industry, the Indian Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council, and Diamond Manufacturers Associations from Israel, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, and the US. IDMA is committed to fostering and promoting the highest ideals of honesty and best practice principles throughout the diamond industry worldwide, as well as full compliance with all relevant national and international laws. Towards this end, the organization has developed and adopted a Code of Conduct, which is binding on all members. It encourages and supports social responsibility on the part of the industry in respect to all citizens of the world.

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Diamonds Do Good

International and Country-Specific Bodies in the Natural Diamond Industry

Diamonds Do Good® is a global nonprofit organization was inspired by Nelson Mandela to tell the world about the positive impact of diamonds in Africa. Now supported by the global diamond industry, its mission is supporting programs that develop and empower people in natural diamond communities and sharing these stories of positive impact

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Regional Organizations

Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC)

International and Country-Specific Bodies in the Natural Diamond Industry

Established in 1966, the GJEPC has over the years effectively moulded the scattered efforts of individual exporters to make the Gem and Jewellery sector a powerful engine driving India’s export-led growth. With more than 7,000 members spread all over the country, the Council is primarily involved in introducing the Indian Gem & Jewellery products to the international market and leverage their international relationships to promote exports. To achieve this, the Council provides market information to its members regarding foreign trade enquiries, trade and tariff regulations, rates of import duties, and information about jewellery fairs and exhibitions. This apex body of the Gem & Jewellery Industry is continuously working towards creating and retaining a pool of artisans, designers that are trained as per international standards so as to consolidate the Indian jewellery industry and establish it as a prominent global player in the jewellery segment.

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United States Jewelry Council (USJC)

International and Country-Specific Bodies in the Natural Diamond Industry

The US Jewelry Council consists of the leadership of the leading jewelry trade organizations based in the United States. The founding participants in the organization are: the Diamond Manufacturers and Importers Association of America (DMIA), Jewelers of America (JA), the American Gem Society (AGS), the Diamond Council of America (DCA), the Diamond Bourse of Southeast United States (DBSE), the Diamond Dealers Club of New York (DDC), the Indian Diamond and Colored Stone Association (IDCA), the Manufacturing Jewelers & Suppliers of America (MJSA) and the Natural Color Diamond Association (NCDIA).

The USJC brings together the views and actions of its member trade associations, representing them collectively on issues related to responsible and sustainable sourcing, supply chain transparency, and ethical business conduct on the national and international levels with the aim of maintaining and enhancing consumer confidence in the United States in the integrity and origins of jewelry.

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Jewelers Vigilance Committee (JVC)

International and Country-Specific Bodies in the Natural Diamond Industry

The Jewelers Vigilance committee was formed in 1917 to provide education and self-regulation to the jewelry industry. Members operate under the highest standards of business practice after pledging to comply with all laws applicable to the jewelry industry and make accurate representations about the products they sell.

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Antwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC)

International and Country-Specific Bodies in the Natural Diamond Industry

The Antwerp World Diamond Centre is a private foundation responsible for the representation of the collective interests of the Belgian diamond industry national and international. Headquartered in the heart of Antwerp’s diamond district, its Board of Directors is elected directly by those who define the Antwerp Diamond Community. AWDC is not a member-based organization but rather represents the diamond sector as a whole, irrespective of the scale of an actor’s activities or the size of the company. Its objective is to further develop Antwerp´s position as the leading global diamond hub and to strengthen the image of the sector to the general public.

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Israel Diamond Institute (IDI)

International and Country-Specific Bodies in the Natural Diamond Industry

The Israel Diamond Institute Group of Companies is the umbrella organization which represents all organizations and institutions involved in the Israeli diamond Industry. It is a non-profit, public interest company which performs a range of essential functions for the industry including marketing and business development, business promotion and public relations, technological research and development, nurturing of rough diamond sources; professional training; publishing of professional literature and security consultancy.

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Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC)

International and Country-Specific Bodies in the Natural Diamond Industry

DMCC is a strategic initiative of the Government of Dubai established in 2002 with a mandate to provide the physical, market, and financial infrastructure required to set up a commodities marketplace in Dubai. DMCC offers a unique opportunity for market participants in a wide range of commodities industries in four broad sectors including precious commodities (gold, diamonds, colored stones and pearls), energy related sectors, steel and base metals and soft agricultural commodities (tea, cotton and others). It aims to attract key players throughout the entire value chain of each of these commodity sectors, together with a range of support industries such as finance, logistics, consulting, and insurance. DMCC is recognized as the largest Free Zone in the United Arab Emirates with over 10,000 registered companies under license.

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Diamond Federation of Hong Kong, China Ltd (DFHK)

International and Country-Specific Bodies in the Natural Diamond Industry

The Diamond Federation of Hong Kong, China (DFHK) is a non-profit organization formed in 2000, by merging two long-established associations in Hong Kong, the Diamond Importers Association (DIA) (1959) and the Hong Kong Diamond Bourse (HKDB) (1985).  Servicing the members under three divisions- Manufacturing; Import and Wholesale; and Retail Division. DFHK undertaking membership of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses and the duty to maintain Hong Kong’s reputation as the “Diamond Center in Asia”, “Shopping Paradise” and “Asian World City”.  

DFHK’s Vision & Mission:

  • Strategically integrating the competitive edges of various stakeholders in the diamond pipeline to achieve a sustainable and efficient market; and to strengthen Hong Kong’s reputation as the diamond center in Asia.
  • Upholding integrity, standards and transparency among diamantaires in Hong Kong and to boost consumers’ confidence, desire and trust in Natural Diamonds.

Since inauguration DFHK continues the DIA’s “Integrity Pledge Scheme” commenced in 1970 and launched the enhanced “Natural Diamond Quality Assurance Mark Scheme” in 2015 to uplift the ethical and professionalism of our industry, and ultimately for the protection of the consumer interest in Natural Diamond.

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Shanghai Diamond Exchange (SDE)

International and Country-Specific Bodies in the Natural Diamond Industry

Shanghai Diamond Exchange (SDE) was authorized to set up by China’s State Council in October, 2000 as the only channel for the import and export of natural diamonds in China. SDE has been operated in compliance with the recognized practices of international diamond industry, providing a fair, just, safe transaction venue with closed-door management for the world diamond dealers.

SDB is a member of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB), and has a permanent seat in its executive board made of seven people. SDE President Mr. Lin Qiang is the current Vice President of the WFDB.

In October 2009, SDE was moved from Jinmao Tower into the new China Diamond Exchange Centre building that covers a total floor area of 49,000 square meters. It is a special venue supervised by the Customs as a bonded zone. SDE provides “one-stop” services to its members with the settled Customs Office, the Diamond Administration Office, the Bureau of Industry and Commerce as well as the Taxation Bureau. The institutes in the SDE building such as bank, transportation escort and security, Customs declaration and diamond appraisal laboratory also provide the supporting services.

By May 2020, SDE has 360 members, and 54% of them are foreign invested companies. SDE members enjoy taxation preferential policies. All the diamonds into and out of the venue are free of tariffs. The Customs collect 4% import VAT on the polished diamonds sold to the Chinese domestic market through SDE instead of the original 13%. By building strong relationship with global diamond centers and supporting major events of the jewelry industry, SDE has created tremendous business opportunities for its members.

The Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF)

International and Country-Specific Bodies in the Natural Diamond Industry

The Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF) cultivates the appreciation and fair trade of fancy color diamonds. Its timely data, research, tools, and services empower leading diamond and jewelry buyers and sellers worldwide to engage with fancy color diamonds. As a non-trade organization, the FCRF donates its earnings or reinvests them into further research.

The FCRF has a passion for rarity and beauty, telling the untold story of these intriguing stones. It is the primary source of objective data about fancy color diamonds globally, with standardization methodology that accurately assesses and evaluates fancy color diamonds. Worldwide industry experts contribute to the FCRF’s reports, valuations, studies, and analyses. The FCRF’s impartial, integrated data and insights make fancy color diamond knowledge accessible, promoting transparency and trust in the industry. The FCRF’s tools include the Fancy Color Diamond Price Index, which outlines pricing behavior, proprietary rarity reports that analyze the prevalence of specific diamonds, expert valuations, and detailed pre-auction analyses. 

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