Mothers Are Precious, Strong, Resilient And Rock-Solid – Just Like Diamonds!
I’ve been a mother for 8 years now, and yet every time I look at my kids, I feel amazed at the whole journey we have been through that has strengthened all of us in so many ways. Becoming a mother has truly made me understand my strength and power as a woman, and I am thankful to my kids for teaching me new lessons every day!

But of course, it hasn’t always been so smooth. When my twin boys were born, I felt like I had gone for a class and been asked to give an exam on the very first day itself. And then, it felt like I was spending the rest of the semester learning about everything that was actually on the exam. Not so pleasant, but memorable for sure.
The way I saw it – I was faced with two choices – expand and grow with my children, or be an overwhelmed mother for life. While being overwhelmed at some stage or the other during the journey of being a mother is completely alright, I didn’t want to feel like that all the time for sure. Motherhood was turning out to be more difficult than I had ever imagined it to be, but the minute I let myself acknowledge that it was tough physically and emotionally, I found acceptance, peace and joy with my kids. I believe now that I am stronger than I ever imagined.
I turned a corner when I realised my capacity for love expanded when I was with my kids and so did my frustration. In the first year of my kids’ lives, when I was still relatively a ‘new mother’ on most days I felt like an overfilled balloon threatening to burst, but that’s what being a mother is all about and I learnt to let go of all the expectations I had put on myself. It also helped that I had a wonderfully supportive family around me, who didn’t forget the fact that it was me as a mother too who had been born with her children. While celebrating every milestone of my kids in their first year, they made sure that I was celebrated too.

I remember the time when we had the ‘annaprasanam’ ceremony for my kids – it was such a big moment for all of us. Their first tasting of solid food, being celebrated with my entire family and gifts galore poured in for the boys – clothes, shoes, etc. My mother and mother-in-law, finding a quiet moment, took me aside and gently clipped on a new delicate diamond necklace on me. I was close to tears at this emotional moment – not only had these two powerhouses worked together to surprise me and given me a gift, but also acknowledged my ongoing journey as a mom in the form of diamonds, which I truly believe represents mothers in the best way possible – strong, rock-solid and resilient.
As my children grew, I grew with them, fine-tuning myself at every stage. I became their Wonder Woman, super chef, educator, counsellor, nurse, doctor, mediator, events coordinator, comforter, etc. – just to name a few small roles held by me. I learnt to polish myself to give my best at every stage.
As mothers, we don’t go to college to earn these degrees. We adjust on the go and make it look super easy. And we do so while looking after our homes, our work and ourselves too – isn’t that some level of miracle art and science. We go through immense pressure in our motherhood, but that only makes us more confident in our abilities as mothers. We literally are life forces who do anything and everything for our kids, but what we do also refines us and makes us more powerful.
In our early motherhood days, we are like diamonds in the rough. Just like intense heat and pressure transforms a clump of carbon into a beautiful, sparkling diamond, the journey of motherhood makes us grow as resolute, determined, firm, and steadfast beings.
That’s why I truly believe all mothers are like diamonds (which also explains why I get so emotional every time someone gifts me a diamond!) – we learn to sparkle slowly and steadily in this journey. Natural diamonds are priceless, but so is the value of mothers. It’s high time we give ourselves the proper due and worth that we deserve.
You know what’s even more amazing? That as mothers, we learn to love brighter and stronger with each passing day. Our love is never divided, rather it multiplies amongst various members of our family.
Just like natural diamonds that give so much back to Nature, a mother is someone who keeps on giving. We celebrate special moments in our lives with diamonds, and being a mother is a special moment each and every day!

As mothers, we make our kids believe that the world and its dreams are theirs for the taking. We experience intense love, pain and exhaustion, just like diamonds, but we never give up. Rather, we emerge stronger, more beautiful, resilient and compassionate – just like how a diamond emerges shinier and stronger through the long and hard process it has to go through. We shine bright and give hope to our children every day.
We’re created at high pressure and temperature conditions, and result in great beauty, strength and value, worth so much more than where we started our from – just like precious natural diamonds. It goes without saying then, that as mothers; we should all consider ourselves as precious diamonds!