Akshay Tritiya: The Perfect Time To Buy Natural Diamonds
Dr. Saurabh Gadgil of PNG Jewellers shares his personal experience about the evolution of Akshay Tritiya and why it remains such a special day to purchase natural diamond jewellery
Jewellery: PNG Jewellers
Growing up in a family of jewellers, for me, Akshay Tritiya has always held a special significance. Over the years, the grandeur and the extent of celebrations and importance of this day has grown by leaps and bounds.
“Akshay Tritiya is considered to be the single biggest day after Diwali to buy gold and natural diamonds.”
Everyone celebrates it with at-least one token purchase! This day is considered to be extremely auspicious and holy for Hindus and Jains in India. Most people of Indian origin world-wide, prefer to bring home something new on this day as it marks the beginning of a prosperous time in one’s life. These purchases are often savings-oriented investments, at times splurges like cars or a new home and of course natural diamond jewellery gifts for near and dear ones to bring good luck, financial prosperity and happiness.

As a young boy, it was exciting for me to visit the store and see how people would come together as families to buy that token Akshay Tritiya gold piece. From arriving at specific times basis the auspicious Muhurat, to discussing with each other on what should be the purchase this year, there was a lot of planning involved as people deeply believed in the auspiciousness of the day. Today, a lot of people don’t know why Akshay Tritiya is celebrated, but still understand that it is an auspicious occasion and one must purchase something of value. Because I am in the business, it has become a lot more analytical for me, it is more about crowd-management and customer experience. But I still enjoy Akshay Tritiya by visiting at least 5 of our stores in Pune, interacting with customers and motivating our teams!
In the old days, an Akshay Tritya purchase was primarily gold in the form of coins or nuggets. But today, people prefer buying jewellery. And when I say jewellery,
“Natural diamond jewellery has become an integral part of Akshay Tritiya shopping.”
Natural diamonds have always stood the test of time and are eternal. They never go out of style. People today prefer to gift their family or friends a ring or a pendant or a mangalsutra to mark a special occasion or a year of significance. Over the past few years, Akshay Tritiya has also coincided with the wedding season. Hence Akshay Tritiya has also become a big day for commencing or completing your wedding jewellery shopping.

All kinds of people come to make purchases on Akshay Tritiya. If it’s a newly married couple or a family, I always suggest that they select a piece of jewellery. It may be their first natural diamond necklace or heritage jewellery ornament that can be passed on for generations. For single people, I advise them to pick up their first diamond solitaire as a beginning of great investments for the future. And then there are those who want to buy something but don’t know what that is. To them I suggest to pick up their first solitaire, a pair of daily-wear natural diamond earrings or a diamond necklace.
“For me, I will be buying my son his first solitaire, since he is turning 18! “

This year, for Akshay Tritiya, we are launching a natural diamond collection, featuring a wide array of lightweight jewellery like necklaces and rings, to inspire the youth to invest in their very first natural diamonds. Young buyers aspire to own natural diamonds and gold jewellery studded with diamonds as a mark of an important milestone in their lives. Their versatility and subtle elegance appeals to them. They gravitate towards unique jewellery which is a reflection of their personality. In fact, the popularity of diamonds has grown even amongst men, and with the advent of innovative designs which are more gender-fluid in nature, natural diamonds have become accessible to all.
So what are you waiting for? Step out this Akshay Tritiya and celebrate yourself with the most magical wonder of nature, a real diamond.